Hello! It's been so long 😢
I have missed blogging! I have missed writing regularly and I have missed the lovely people I met on here years ago.
I have decided to try and post more regularly in the hope that I can connect with you all again.
I don't have a great deal to report writing wise, but I am getting stuck in again. My resolution last year 2018 was to enter more competitions, I managed a grand total of three. I know. Sigh.
I did manage to come 3rd place in Grindstone's Flash fiction, I think the joy of that success must have overwhelmed me as I failed to do anything else writerly for the rest of the year!

Having just checked, there are no competitions open at the moment, but it's worth keeping an eye out.
They are very friendly and helpful, and they give written feedback on the entries, it must take them ages!
With new optimism, it's a new year, let's get this darn book finished!! Yeah! (Obviously the New Year for me begins on February 13th.)
So hello again to everyone, I hope this finds you all well, I look forward to visiting your blogs again (those who still blog as I know a lot moved to Facebook etc)
Thank you for stopping by
Cate x