No I'm not raving about Englebert, I have a story in The Weekly News. This is old news to some of you, sorry about that.
I was lucky to get a copy as it was published the weekend after it was accepted, which I hadn't realised until I was informed by some kind and thoughtful fellow writers (Thank you!).
I don't know about elsewhere, but it is quite hard to find a copy of TWN here abouts, (Lancashire). So this one is now rather wrinkled (again I don't mean Englebert), as it has been at my mother's and read by everyone who will sit down long enough.
I am still really excited, it has been a long while since anything was accepted for publication and I was honestly thinking it might never happen again.
Also, I have been given this lovely award by Deirdra at
A Story Book World , which came out of the blue and
is very much appreciated, thank you! It has encouraged me to get on and finish that last chapter.
On a completely non related topic, the doll obsession continues as I have
discovered these cute clowns, which look very much like Strawberry Shortcake but are not related. So cute! I have acquired four and three quarters ( one is missing a top and shoes) out of the six. It's no wonder I don't get much work finished!
I just want the one in the yellow hat. Does anyone else rememember them? They were made
by Fishel Toys and were called Pick a Berry Circus clowns, they were fruit scented too.
I'm not sure what it is about them exactly but I think it's the cuteness, the little outfits and also the scent which really reminds me of happy childhood times. Aww. :)
Has anyone else been tempted to buy a long lost toy?